Sacha has written over 100 articles worldwide. Underneath you will find a selection of her hand and some great interviews. We promise to keep you updated of new publications and media exposure.
Inside the Life of an Elite Soul Reader
Sacha was interviewed by Mark Ellwood for the
INSIDER - series: "A day in the life of..."
Curious? Click to read on the Insider Website.
Interview BBC Tees Radio – #goingslowintheshower
Sacha was interviewed last week by Mike Parr from Radio station “BBC Tees” for their Morning Show.
Meditation For Cynics
I like the idea of meditation, but who has a spare hour each day to sit cross-legged going, 'Oohhmm’?
Real Beauty Comes From Within
We finally have the answer for feeling refreshed, relaxed, nourished, stress-free and radiant. And it’s not in the form of another ‘wonder’ product.
Stuck? Three Easy Keys That Turn Your Life Around...
Did you start off 2016 by vowing to yourself that THIS time you’d finally stick to your resolutions?
Why We Fail at “Self Love” From Books and How to Succeed!
Have you tried to practice self-love with the help of self awareness books and did you feel it sounded so easy, in fact it sounded like it was a piece of cake!
Why Saying NO Is Saying YES to Something Better
I see it so very often when I read people, and recognize it myself as well, saying ‘No’... it’s hard.
Count Your Blessings
We seem to have lost the simple ability to appreciate our daily lives.
Winter's Deep Sleep
Winter is perfect for taking the time to be with yourself, to be in the moment and heal by seeing, feeling and hearing what is going on inside.
Forgive and Forget
Forgiveness is one of the most empowering spiritual tools we can work with.
How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions Once and for All!
The New Year is moments away and we always have great resolutions for it, but so quickly once we are in that fresh New Year, we let go of them.
Catcalling; The Heart of the Matter?
Walking outside without any fear is a most extraordinary and liberating experience for a woman.
Why Everyone Should Have A Relationship MOT.
Have you ever wondered why we all make such a mess of our relationships? I bet you have.
How Being Both Hot and Beautiful Creates a Better World!
There are a lot of articles going round about the difference between “being hot” or “being beautiful” as a woman, and usually in those articles, men get slagged off for liking a hot and sexy woman, but what is wrong with that?
Intensify Your Life: The Power of Going Slow
Have you ever taken the time to truly slow down in what you’re doing and realized that by doing so you gain a tremendous amount of energy, awareness and joy. No...? It’s actually quite easy to try.
Three Keys to Keep Jealousy at Bay
The image that comes up for jealousy is one of a bathtub that’s running over.
Four Keys to a Relaxed and Happy Pregnancy
Reading the energy of an unborn baby is so magical, pure and present.
Are You Giving From Your Heart This Christmas?
Christmas is by far the season in which people feel they HAVE to give because everybody does it, because that’s what Christmas is all about or because that’s how it’s supposed to be.
Feng Shui for the Soul
We respond on a deep level to our environment. Everything that we take in feeds us or brings us down.