Their story can be your story…
I LOVE it when my clients WIN. To see them end up with the life, the love, the confidence or the purpose they were looking for is just amazing. Making a massive difference that last forever… knowing they will NEVER go back to how they were… that’s what makes me happy. Each and every one has given their testimonials because they were 100% satisfied with our work.
EVERYONE can get to that amazing Life and Love with our 8-week Training for Authentic Power and Love. But in order to do so, you have to be determined, committed and coachable. They followed ALL our advice to the letter. Each and every one of these people have worked hard and dug deep for their results.
You want what they got? You want their results… then just jump on board our training and book a free call NOW.

"Thank you, Sacha, for changing my life!"
Finished her Training in 2022 and has continued working with Sacha since.
(This mention can also be found in the Acknowledgements of her book: Into The Metaverse, released Jan. 2023. )

"I can really say I've found the love of my life now "
It’s been four months now since I finished the Authentic Power, Love and Leadership Training with Sacha and I can really say my life has changed completely. I’ve changed in myself, in my femininity but the main thing is that I’ve been dating again after 10 years of no relationships, of nothing, and I can really say I’ve found the love of my life now. On top of that I have lost a lot of weight, 12 kilo to be exact, I’ve changed a lot in myself and it is the best gift I could have ever given myself. So I am very happy!
2024 Update:
Karin has been together with the love of her life for 7 years now. They’ve sealed their relationship and own a house together. A Happily Ever After for Her and John!

"I can’t tell you how happy I am and how wonderful I feel"
I just finished my 8-week Training and 8 weeks of follow up support. I remember the first call with Sacha very well, I felt very alone, very upset and very devastated. I found her on Facebook, and I felt as if She was kind of given to me.
I remember talking to her for quite a bit of time. I just felt like she totally understood where I was coming from and knew exactly what I was going through and that I needed to join this training. I was lucky that I had my Dad who was absolutely wonderful in supporting me in investing in myself, in my future and not only for myself but for my kids as well.
I have two children and I wanted to be the best example and the best Mom and I just felt like everything would work out in the end. And it has! My four months with Sacha were a lot of fun, I’m actually going to be extremely sad not seeing her anymore but she’s left me with so much wisdom and knowledge that I will be able to take that and continue on.
My goal was to become my authentic self, to love myself again and to make sure I could be completely happy by myself independent of anyone else. And I feel like I completely achieved that. That I don’t have to rely on anyone else for that. And that I can also teach my children that, that I can be an example to them.
Not only has she helped me with my own relationship with myself, but also with men, with my children and with friends. This has just touched every part of my life. So thank you Sacha!
For anyone in a similar spot as to where I was and thinking about doing this training with Sacha: You are not alone! She’s a wonderful person to be guided by and go through the training with. I know it’s a scary thing to do but if you do the exercises, do the work and put the time in you really will come out feeling a new person again and I can’t tell you how happy I am and how wonderful I feel.
-> A year later Laurie signed up to the Authentic Diamonds Year Training. See her second testimonial below.

"I feel like I know how to get myself unstuck in any situation now"
So I’m fresh out of the training with Sacha and I have to say I was really surprised at how magically it works. My mission was to fall in love with myself. And I completely experienced that in way that are beyond what I could have imagined.
I was in a place where I wasn’t sure I could even feel love again, and I ended up feeling love for myself in news ways that I didn’t even knew before the training. I feel like I was really held through the process and that was something I really needed. Sacha really held my hand through it.
At the same time she really gave me the room to really find the strength in myself. And the tools that she gave us, I feel like I know how to get myself unstuck in any situation now. And I feel really grateful!

"So I am unstuck and I cannot even tell you how much worth this training is in money."
I just finished my 8-week Training with Sacha. The Authentic Power and Love Training. I signed up with her for many reasons: My 20 year marriage ended in divorce, I lost my Dad due to an illness. I lost my boyfriend due to excessive drinking. I was on anxiety medication, depression medication and on medication to sleep at night. So I was a mess, a real mess. I had hit rock bottom.
So I signed up for her training and I am now done with her training and here I am. I can honestly say: I love spending time with myself now. I stopped drinking excessively. I am off my anxiety medication, my sleeping medication and my depression medication. And I went back to school to better myself.
So I am unstuck and I cannot even tell you how much worth this training is in money. You literally cannot put a price on it. When you sign up for something for yourself, you cannot put a price on your health, you cannot put a price on that so it was completely worth it!
2024 update: Heidi got married in December 2023 after years together with her new partner.

"I felt that Sacha was truly able to connect to who I am"
Ellie Gluck – Burrows ( Daughter of James Burrows, Director of series like: Friends, Cheers, Will & Grace and many more) had spoken to a friend who had a really profound experience with Sacha. As a 30-year old talented writer and mystic, that high recommendation had piqued her curiosity and made her want try a session. Initially Ellie wanted clarity around her purpose. A pilgrimage to Glastonbury and a retreat with Sacha, seemed like a great way to do this. It differed from the Asian & Eastern mystical experiences she previously had.
“The slowness and relaxation that was transmitted by the first distant reading with Sacha really impressed me and it stayed with me. I felt that Sacha was truly able to connect to who I am. As a fast paced person living in a fast paced world, I welcomed her ability to slow me down and marveled at her ability to listen to the words of my soul. After our first session, it was clear that a retreat with Sacha would be extremely beneficial.
What surprised me most about my stay at Soulwise was how maternal Sacha is. Her home is undoubtedly a sacred space and the personal care she provides is very healing and nurturing. She is a very calming force. It might sound crazy but one of the highlights of our time together was partaking in Sacha’s morning retreat ritual: early morning yoga, followed by a homemade breakfast followed by a session. The rest of the day is spent exploring, experiencing and relaxing. And her Deep Peace Treatments left me drooling. They were simple, meaningful, subtle and yet very impactful. She really rocks your core!
As previously mentioned, my biggest takeaway was discovering the art of slowness. This is one of Sacha’s true gifts. She helped me develop this art and it has stayed with me and continues to resonate to this day. Before I stayed at Soulwise, I approached my spirituality like other things in my life: quickly and wholeheartedly. But Sacha helped me see that I was missing things along the way. And although it was challenging to slow down at the time of the retreat, Sacha really helped me stay grounded and mindful. Life is much more delicious when I’m moving slow. There is really something to be said for ‘stopping and smelling the roses’ – especially in The Chalice Well and Gardens.
And one last tidbit I would love to share: Although it’s been a year since our retreat, I still remember vividly that near the end of our time together, I had trouble writing an article. Sacha brought me outside and did a 5 minute meditation to help me focus on what I was really trying to communicate in the piece. After helping me get present and slow down for a few minutes, I felt my writer’s block dissipate and clarity take its place.. I still use that exercise in my writing and it works every time.
See, Sacha really sees YOU. She is graceful, humble and deeply in service. She’s a wonderful mirror, true channel and a very special being. Whether you’re just starting out on a spiritual journey or ten or twenty years in, Soulwise is definitely a place that’s worth visiting. It is with deep gratitude and total confidence that I give Sacha and Soulwise my highest recommendation. Happy searching! Happy Slowing Down!

"Exclusive Soul Reading With Coaching in 2023"
Working with Sacha is a truly profound and unique process. As someone who’s done a lot of healing and coaching work, Sacha’s approach brings the best of both worlds to you in a truly personalized way.
She has helped me embody a new way of being that feels more aligned with my deepest purpose and potential. From the Soul Reading to Soul Coaching, trust me, it’s a game changer…especially for busy business people like me!

"Find a way to do this training because it was the BEST thing I ever did."
I finished Sacha’s 8-week training today. Starting out I was struggling with obsessing over my ex, I was struggling with self-esteem, I was not sleeping well at all and I just felt like there was any hope or direction. I felt alone and did not know which direction to go in. I was stuck. I’d been married for 16 years and divorced for 3.5 years but still hoping that my ex would realize and change. And that was not an option.
The very first call with Sacha I felt an overwhelming peace and calm, it felt like Sacha knew what I needed. She understood me. So I signed up on that first call and I paid the full amount there and then. I didn’t panic afterwards, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and that I needed this training to be able to find myself again because I was completely lost.
I spoke to Sacha the next day, and I had slept wonderful for the first time in a long time. I spoke to my Mom that day and told her: “Mom there is light at the end of my tunnel. There truly is!” I felt this was absolutely without a doubt what I needed.
Pretty quickly after starting I noticed that I didn’t have sweaty palms anymore. It was like blinders were taken off, the colors on the trees seemed brighter. It was great. The first three weeks helped change me catastrophically: I was able to delete stuff that I before kept going back too, I was able to set better boundaries and I really started enjoying spending time with myself which before was very hard for me to do.
I don’t know if I realized that I would change this much in 8 weeks, but it literally changed everything in me. It shifted everything, the way I thought about myself, the way I felt about myself, the way I dealt with situations. It was wonderful.
It was the best decision to take this training because it gave me myself back. If you want yourself back and you want inner peace and calm: DO this training! Find a way to do this training because it was the BEST thing I ever did.

"The work I did in just one weekend with Sacha, changed me more dramatically than a whole year of therapy before it."
Tina Tran escaped Vietnam by boat with her family at the age of only four years old. It was at the time Saigon fell. They spent their first year at a refugee camp in Malaysia before making it to the US. The escape changed their lives forever, but also left a mark. Tina was often hungry that first year and felt lost at the refugee camp, this led to a great desire for safety and security as an adult.
“I feel very lucky that the US took my family and me in when we escaped Vietnam. I never felt unwanted in America and I feel fortunate to have been welcomed like this. Growing up I struggled with melding two very different cultures and two very different generations. Vietnamese parents can be insistent on the life you should lead and the path to take, so I’ve had to become quite independent to break free and pursue the life I want, and at work I have to be so tough to stay at the top.”
Tina Tran is a beautiful, energetic, successful and smart lady that heads up Business Development for a successful video games company in San Francisco.
“At the time that I booked my retreat with Sacha, I was feeling lost, I was going through quite a struggle in my relationships and I felt let down by the people closest to me, I was struggling with my own decisions, I was struggling with my parents’ views and demands, I felt abandoned, sad and stressed and there was this pain inside. I was really open to trying something new, it was time for a big change.”
One day I met up with my former boss, Andy, now my friend but then I only knew him as a true New Yorker and a hardcore CEO of a large global company. I saw that there was something different about him. Then he told me about Sacha. He just lit up when speaking about his experience with Sacha’s work and I thought; “If he is that impressed by Sacha, if it can affect him to that level of being touched and feeling so joyful, then she must be the real deal. So why not try this….”
‘When I connected with Sacha on Skype and phone, her voice and her presence, who she is, it had such a calming effect. She instantly put me at ease, I could really relate to her and when we hung up I felt calm, quiet and nurtured. I’d never had a vacation by myself where I’d made room to nourish my heart, my soul and my body, but I knew it was exactly what I needed.”
The retreat reconnected me to that other side of me that I’d forgotten, my softer, gentler feminine qualities. I realized that I didn’t have to fight for everything and I didn’t have to be tough all the time and that I didn’t have to do it all alone. The way it was brought to me during the retreat was so gentle and kind. It’s just such a nice way to change, it made me feel very safe and the great breakfasts and the setting are very helpful as well.”
“I really started behaving very differently after the retreat. I felt calm inside, and my friends confirmed it too. They said they saw the same Tina but a softer, calmer, more complete version. It gave me so many beautiful experiences. I now can allow others to help me, I don’t feel like I’m putting others out, but I’m letting them in. I can receive. I have more intimacy, the result of letting my guard down and I’ve grown closer to people because of it. I feel happier, more whole and feminine and it really shows.”
I recommend anyone to try this, if you feel blocked inside, disconnected from yourself or the people around you, if you can’t slow down or if there is something missing in your life. You’ll get the greatest return form it. You’ll find out who you really are, what you are hiding from the world and what you haven’t discovered. The impact of seeing Sacha, and taking in all that she could see about me deep down, as well as taking it to heart, was powerful and it changed my life. I feel lucky to have experienced Sacha. If you go to Sacha with an open heart and mind, you absolutely will not regret it. Life is too short to keep doing the same things and getting the same results. Taking a chance with Sacha is absolutely worth it. It’s a magical experience.

"The closest to divine love I have ever experienced."
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I booked my soul reading with Sacha. I was nervous that a person was claiming that they could look into the depth of my very soul and reveal truths that I hadn’t been aware of. I feared it would be a scary or even painful process as I, like many of us, had avoided so much of myself during my life …and someone was about to shine a light on it all and expose everything to me. Even with these concerns I went to see Sacha as I was at a point in my life where I was ready and willing to do anything to move forward.
Upon meeting Sacha all my fears quickly dissolved. Sacha has the most calming voice, loving touch and peaceful presence. Despite it being my first time meeting her, I felt I had been reunited with an old friend. I was amazed at how quickly and accurately she was able to tap into my energy and put me at ease. She has an amazing ability to become one with you and give you insights about your Self and path…She explained things about myself that I never truly understood and this, in turn, made pieces of my consciousness slot together into a beautiful, intricate puzzle. I quickly experienced that I (all of us) already have exactly what I need to move forward in my life – it was just a case of Sacha pointing them out to me and teaching me how to use what was already mine.
During the session I didn’t once feel any fear or pain I had been afraid of feeling. I experienced an extremely deep relaxation whilst being held in the most unconditional loving embrace. It’s something that can’t be described until you experience it for yourself. I felt a very powerful connection to source and I felt reunited with my soul at the deepest level. It was extremely powerful and I came away feeling uplifted and energised yet amazingly calm and truly at peace with myself for the first time in my life.
Sacha is extremely inspirational as she has an undeniable connection to source yet she is very down to earth. She is truly living in her power and is fulfilling her divine purpose. The magnificence of her soul is shining a light on the magnificence of all of ours. It was an absolute honour to have a session with her and no doubt I will be seeing her again.
Thank you Sacha for using your incredible gift to help us. Xx

"Down to earth, with a clear and proper plan to move forward from being stuck!"
I got recommended to Sacha by my friend Tina from San Francisco. She’d been to Sacha for a retreat and it had made her into a better, more complete Tina, a change in her that I noticed myself. I had been thinking about focusing more on myself, on the inside of me. I was creating so much distraction in my life, always scheduling a thousand plans to keep me busy to the point of exhaustion. I was just trying to be around other people all the time.”
Angela Lopez is a corporate Lawyer in Madrid. She’s the Director of the International Legal Department of a big Spanish Construction Group. Aged 35, she’s had quite an impressive career from studying in Brussels, working in Paris and she lived in Shanghai for a few years for her work as well.
“I seemed to only be able to focus on the outside, as if I was afraid of discovering who I really was and what I really wanted and needed. All the activities that I was trying to keep up with disorientated me and made me feel lost. Listening to myself, being on my own at home, it just wasn’t an option.”
“Thanks to working with Sacha this past year, I have discovered myself. I can identify my patterns and control them, it’s helped me in such a practical way with work and my family. I have learned to see and accept all of myself, with all my qualities and flaws. I manage enough time to listen to myself, and can decide what deserves my time and energy and what doesn’t. I communicate clearly with love, where as before I would get totally lost. I am also better equipped to deal with painful situations. I often feel amazing after my sessions with Sacha, it’s instant relief from whatever I’ve got stuck in.”
“Sacha is very accurate and very fast in analyzing what is really going on. She’s professional, personal and very real. She takes you seriously. She has this ability to feel and uncover the areas that need improvement, to see the strengths and weaknesses. You just get full clarity from her and she then proposes a way to move forward in the form of a proper down to earth plan. It’s so very useful and yet so simple!
It’s almost similar to travelling; her work accelerates your progress and your life through slowing you down and really seeing yourself. Life becomes more intense, more in the moment, which happens as well when you travel. You learn a lot in a very short period of time, it can be hard at times but it saves you so much pain, struggle, confusion and time in the end. It would take much longer on your own! And I feel so incredibly happy now we’ve rounded up our sessions. I feel confident, happy, strong and equipped to get on with my life. I am more in tune with who I am inside and I know I will create the life I want.

"I recently bought my dream home. I still love my new job. I am enjoying exploring and making new friends and I am truly happy."
I have participated In several of Sacha’s training courses over the past few years and would highly recommend her, as she is a fantastic and knowledgeable coach.
I was stuck in a job that I was corn completely unhappy with for years. I decided to enroll in her one-year training with the goal of discovering myself and a job that suited me perfectly. I achieved this goal during the year and so much more. I am truly connected with myself, my needs and the environment around me. As a result, I am more peaceful and better understand how to handle my emotions, especially in stressful situations. I have a fantastic job that I love getting out of bed and showing up each day for. I have enriched my connections with family and friends. I recently bought my dream home and am enjoying exploring end making new friends. I am truly happy and have the tools necessary to help me maneuver through life.
Thank you, Sacha!
(Finished The Master Mind Year Training.)

"I had a key revelation, a real enlightening moment during listening to the reading and now several weeks later I am seeing the results of that realization taking shape in my life."
I tested out Sacha’s new generic themed soul reading to release fears and doubt about my future. I never worked with Sacha before and I also didn’t really know what the soul reading would be able to do for me.
This was a generic reading that wasn’t specifically made for me but the symbology, images and insights in the reading were very relevant to me and I could effortlessly see and visualize what was being described. As I was listening to the reading and visualizing it, I could really feel things shifting inside me.
I had a key revelation, a real enlightening moment and now several weeks later I am seeing the results of that realization taking shape in my life. Things really have shifted. My life and me are truly changing.
Some of the symbols and images are still playing on for me, several weeks after I listened to the reading! I have truly benefitted from it more than I ever thought I would.
The immediate impact of the reading, however deserves a mention too:
The first few days after the first listen brought up a lot of dark or negative thoughts, doubts and fears. Thanks to Sacha anticipating this and explaining it and by keeping listening to the reading, within a few days, all of these darker thoughts and fears started to lift.
And it is now almost a year later and I can really see that everything has changed since. I found a new job a month after I listened to the reading and really close to home too. I am still really happy in this job. It’s a perfect fit. Overall, I am quite impressed with this theme based generic soul reading.
Thank you so much for the privilege to test this one out for you!

"My soul reading with Sacha was life changing. "
My soul reading with Sacha was life changing.
The words touched me in so many ways it was hard to emotionally process at first. However, with each day that I listened to the reading, I understood exactly what I needed to do or change in my life to truly fulfill my soul’s purpose. Sacha brought me comfort, and understanding in some of the most personal areas of my life. I am a changed person because of my reading and interaction with Sacha.
I would recommend Sacha to anyone interested in a soul reading from a professional point of view but also from an emotional perspective. Sacha is loving and kind and truly cares about each person she engages with and understands how truly precious each soul reading can be for the individual. A “thank you” is not enough for what she did for me!

"A complete and insightful package. Don’t hesitate, just do it!"
Mark Cotton is 39 years old, lives in London and he’s in a long-term open relationship. He moved from Holland to the UK in 2003 for his postgraduate in product design. He is now a designer of interior accessories for footwear and he teaches as well.
Mark is quite a private person by nature, so normally he wouldn’t have ventured out to have a soul reading or soul coaching but via Sophie; a dear friend and painter whom he very much trusts and respects, he got to hear of Soulwise and Sacha.
“I wanted to be more focused and effective in everything” Mark says, “not just in work but also in life in general and in love. I wanted to have more direction, steer my life the way I wanted it to go but somehow I couldn’t do it. When I spoke about this to Sophie on the phone, she mentioned Sacha’s transformational work. We spoke about it for quite a while and she said Sacha’s work was very effective and quite contrary to Psychotherapy or anything else too floaty. I didn’t want an ordinary talking therapy. I just wanted help, coaching, in finding direction.
‘The next thing I did was call Sacha to see if I liked her, if I connected with her. Sacha described her work to me even better, it was more about changing things on a deeper level, not so much about changing the surface level of the things going on. So I ordered a Soul reading, which I received a few days later. It’s a great session to start with; a fantastic overview and you get to see how that session works, you get to hear how someone speaks, you get to feel if it resonates with you deep down… and it really did.’
‘Each distant reading that Sacha has made for me since, brought great clarity on how to move forward and on how things work for me. Sacha’s readings give clarity on who you are as a person, on your mechanisms, and on how they work against you and how that can be changed. It’s quite a complete and insightful package.”
“I decided to do some Soul coaching with Sacha as well after my third reading, because the coaching goes even deeper than the readings. I wanted to make a plan, talk about it, implement it and be able to get feedback when I got stuck along the way. It’s been a great experience so far; Sacha is very kind, openhearted, no-nonsense, knowledgeable and direct. She makes it easy to follow what feels best without having to over think it. My clarity and direction are 100% better and all the different parts of me are just more connected, things just fall into place when you work with her. It’s now more fulfilling doing my work. My advice to everyone on working with Sacha, and on having a Soul reading would be: “Don’t hesitate, Just do it.”

"The training was very thought provoking"
I recently completed Sacha’s 8-week Authentic Power & Love Training. I started the Training because I had spent so much of my life giving to others and helping others, that I really didn’t know who I was or what I wanted to do in the next phase of my life.
I’m about to start that new phase and I thought it was time for me to be fully engaged in what it is I want to do and how I can best achieve it. How I can really be my best self in this next phase.
The training was very thought provoking and helped me deal with the tough issues that were holding me back, like resistance and fears. And it helped me to grow and expand in ways that I never knew I could.
The Weekly QA’s with Sacha were stretching me beyond my limits but now at the end of the 8-weeks I am 95% there at being my best self. I’m so excited about the results I got from this training that I’m about to start Sacha’s one-year training. And I can’t wait to see what the results are at the end of that year! Stay tuned.

"Sacha was key in enabling me to enjoy my pregnancy as well as experience a positive birth experience"
I attended several hypno-birthing sessions with Sacha during my pregnancy. (2022-23)
Being a naturally anxious person and an over-thinker, the sessions helped me to become more present,
as well as process and let go of my fears and worries about the birth.
Sacha’s relaxation techniques and guided visualizations still help me today.
I genuinely believe Sacha was key in enabling me to enjoy my pregnancy as well as experience a positive birth experience.
The sessions instilled in me a calm and positive focus throughout.
I felt connected to myself, my body and my baby.
Sacha has a calming and soothing presence and I would highly recommend her.

"Nothing really holds me back now."
5 Hypnotherapy sessions for restoring confidence.
I’ve had 5 Hypnotherapy sessions with Sacha. Before we started I would get anxious at least once a day. I’d stay home a lot and would not want to take part in social events because I worried about not being accepted.
After my 5 sessions I am barely anxious anymore. I haven’t been anxious at all since the 4th session. I’m not anxious anymore about social situations and nothing really holds me back now. I’m a lot calmer and life is just easier. I am happier.